Estados Tipos Valores válidos Bloques asociados Descripción
active Boolean true, false sculk shrieker Determines whether the block is active or not
age Integer 0 - 15 fire, cactus, reeds, nether wart block, chorus flower, frosted ice, soul fire Represents the age of the block
age_bit Boolean true, false sapling, bamboo sapling Determines if saplings should grow
allow_underwater_bit Boolean true, false Determines if TNT works underwater
attached_bit Boolean true, false trip wire block, trip wire hook Determines if a tripwire is attached to another tripwire
attachment String standing, hanging, side, multiple bell, grindstone Determines the type of attachment used by a bell or grindstone block
bamboo_leaf_size String no_leaves, small_leaves, large_leaves bamboo Determines the size of bamboo leaves
bamboo_stalk_thickness String thin, thick bamboo Determines the thickness of a bamboo stalk
big_dripleaf_tilt String none, unstable, partial_tilt, full_tilt big dripleaf Determines the tilt state of big dripleaf block
bite_counter Integer 0 - 6 cake Tracks how many bites of cake have been taken
block_face String down, up, north, south, east, west TBD Which block face the player placed the block on.
block_light_level Integer 0 - 15 light block Determines the light level for a block that emits light
brewing_stand_slot_a_bit Boolean True, False brewing stand Determines if a bottle is shown in slot a of the brewing stand
brewing_stand_slot_b_bit Boolean True, False brewing stand Determines if a bottle is shown in slot b of the brewing stand
brewing_stand_slot_c_bit Boolean True, False brewing stand Determines if a bottle is shown in slot c of the brewing stand
button_pressed_bit Boolean True, False acacia button, birch button, crimson button, dark oak button, jungle button, mangrove button, polished blackstone button, spruce button, stone button, warped button, wood button Determines if a button is in the pressed state or not
candles Integer 0 - 3 black candle, blue candle, brown candle, candle, cyan candle, gray candle, green candle, light blue candle, light gray candle, lime candle, magenta candle, orange candle, pink candle, purple candle, red candle, white candle, yellow candle The number of extra candles in the same block space
cardinal_direction String north, south, east, west TBD Defines the cardinal placement direction of a block.
cauldron_liquid String water, lava cauldron, lava cauldron Determines the type of liquid in a cauldron
chemistry_table_type String compound_creator, material_reducer, element_constructor, lab_table chemistry table Determines the type of the work benches that are behind the edu features toggle
chisel_type String default, chiseled, lines, smooth purpur block, quartz block Determines the chisel pattern on quartz and purpur blocks
cluster_count Integer 0 - 3 sea pickle The number of sea pickles in a cluster
color String white, orange, magenta, light_blue, yellow, lime, pink, gray, silver, cyan, purple, blue, brown, green, red, black cloth, concrete, concrete powder block, hard stained glass, shulker box, stained glass, stained glass pane, stained hardened clay, wool carpet Determines the color of a block, if that block can be different colors
color_bit Boolean True, False blue colored torch Sets if a torch is a colored torch block
composter_fill_level Integer 0 - 8 composter Sets level of material in a composter
conditional_bit Boolean True, False chain command block, repeating command block Determines if a command block is conditional or not
coral_color String blue, pink, purple, red, yellow, blue dead, pink dead, red dead, yellow dead coral fan, coral fan dead, coral, coral block DEPRECATED - Determines the color of a coral block
coral_direction Integer 0 - 3 coral fan hang, coral fan hang 2, coral fan hang 3 Describes the rotation of coral fans
coral_fan_direction Integer 0, 1 coral fan, coral fan dead Determines direction fan-shaped coral is facing
coral_hang_type_bit Boolean True, False coral fan hang, coral fan hang 2, coral fan hang 3 DEPRECATED - Describes the type of hanging for coral fans
covered_bit Boolean True, False top snow Describes if a top snow block is covering another block
cracked_state String no_cracks, cracked, max_cracked turtle egg Determines the cracked state of turtle eggs
damage String undamaged, slightly_damaged, very_damaged, broken anvil DEPRECATED - Determines the state of damage of an Anvil
deprecated none none not used Denotes deprecated blocks, this block state is will be removed
dead_bit Boolean True, False coral fan hang, coral fan hang 2, coral fan hang 3 DEPRECATED - Determines if coral, coral fans, or sea pickles are dead
direction Integer 0 - 3 acacia door, acacia fence gate, acacia trapdoor, anvil, bed, bell, birch door, birch fence gate, birch trapdoor, campfire, carved pumpkin, chalkboard, chemistry table, cocoa, crimson door, crimson fence gate, crimson trapdoor, dark oak door, dark oak fence gate, dark oak trapdoor, end portal frame, fence gate, iron door, iron trapdoor, jungle door, jungle fence gate, jungle trapdoor, lectern, loom, mangrove door, mangrove fence gate, mangrove trapdoor, powered comparator, powered repeater, pumpkin, soul campfire, spruce door, spruce fence gate, spruce trapdoor, trapdoor, trip wire hook, unpowered comparator, unpowered repeater, warped door, warped fence gate, warped trapdoor, wooden door Determines the North, South, East, and West direction of some blocks. 0 = South, 1 = West, 2 = North 3 = East
dirt_type String normal, coarse dirt DEPRECATED - Determines the dirt type of a block
disarmed_bit Boolean True, False trip wire block Determines if a tripwire is disarmed or not.
door_hinge_bit Boolean True, False acacia door, birch door, crimson door, dark oak door, iron door, jungle door, mangrove door, spruce door, warped door, wooden door Determines if a door's hinge is mirrored or not
double_plant_type String sunflower, syringa, grass, fern, rose, peony double plant Determines the type of a double plant block
drag_down Boolean True, False bubble column Describes if bubble columns drag entities down or pushes them up
dripstone_thickness String tip, frustum, base, middle, merge pointed dripstone Determines the type of a pointed dripstone block
end_portal_eye_bit Boolean True, False end portal frame Determines if an end portal block has an Eye of Ender in it
explode_bit Boolean True, False Determines if a TNT block should start its explode sequence
extinguished Boolean True, False magma, netherrack Determines that block with infiniburn is not on ignited
facing_direction String down, up, north, south, east, west acacia button, birch button, crimson button, dark oak button, jungle button, mangrove button, polished blackstone button, spruce button, stone button, warped button, wood button Defines all placement directions of a block.
fill_level Integer 0 - 6 cauldron, lava cauldron Determines fill level of a cauldron block
flower_type String poppy, orchid, allium, houstonia, tulip_red, tulip_orange, tulip_white, tulip_pink, oxeye, cornflower, lily_of_the_valley red flower Determines the type of a flower block
growth Integer 0 - 7 pumpkin stem, beetroot, carrot, crop, potato, sweet berry bush Determines the growth level of crops
hanging_bit Boolean True, False lantern, soul lantern Describes if a lantern block is hanging or not
head_piece_bit Boolean True, False bed Determines if a block is the pillow side of a bed
height Integer 0 - 7 top snow Determines the height of a top snow block
honey_level Integer 0 - 5 Beehive Determines level of honey in a beehive
huge_mushroom_bits Integer 0 - 15 brown mushroom block, red mushroom block, huge mushroom block Determines which huge mushroom block to be displayed
infiniburn_bit Boolean True, False bedrock Determines if a block should burn infinitely
in_wall_bit Boolean True, False birch fence gate, crimson fence gate, dark oak fence gate, fence gate, jungle fence gate, mangrove fence gate, spruce fence gate, warped fence gate Determines if a fence block is connected to a wall block
item_frame_map_bit Boolean True, False glow item frame, item frame Describes if an item frame block has a map in it
item_frame_photo_bit Boolean True, False glow item frame, item frame Describes if an item frame block has a photo in it
kelp_age Integer 0 - 24 kelp Determines age of kelp
lever_direction String down_east_west, east, west, south, north, up_north_south, up_east_west, down_north_south lever Determines direction lever is facing and up or down orientation
liquid_depth Integer 0 - 15 lava, water, flowing lava, flowing water Determines the level of liquid blocks
lit Boolean True, False candle, candle cake, black candle, black candle cake, blue candle, blue candle cake, brown candle, brown candle cake, cyan candle, cyan candle cake, gray candle, gray candle cake, green candle, green candle cake, light blue candle, light blue candle cake, light gray candle, light gray candle cake, lime candle, lime candle cake, magenta candle, magenta candle cake, orange candle, orange candle cake, pink candle, pink candle cake, purple candle, purple candle cake, red candle, red candle cake, white candle, white candle cake, yellow candle, yellow candle cake Determines if a block is lit or not
moisturized_amount Integer 0 - 7 farm Determines the moisture level of crops
monster_egg_stone_type String stone, cobblestone, stone_brick, mossy_stone_brick, cracked_stone_brick, chiseled_stone_brick monster stone egg, monster egg DEPRECATED - Determines the stone type of a monster egg block
multi_face_direction_bits Integer 0 - 63 glow lichen, sculk vein 6 different 1-bit states used to determine direction
new_leaf_type String acacia, dark_oak new leaf Determines the leaf type of some blocks
new_log_type String acacia, dark_oak new log DEPRECATED - Determines the wood type of some blocks
occupied_bit Boolean True, False bed Determines if a bed block is occupied
old_leaf_type String oak, spruce, birch, jungle old leaf, leaves Determines the leaf type of some blocks
old_log_type String oak, spruce, birch, jungle log DEPRECATED - Determines the wood type of some blocks
ominous Boolean True, False Determines if the block is the ominous version
open_bit Boolean True, False acacia door, acacia fence gate, barrel, birch door, birch fence gate, crimson door, crimson fence gate, dark oak door, dark oak fence gate, fence gate, iron door, jungle door, jungle fence gate, mangrove door, mangrove fence gate, spruce door, spruce fence gate, warped door, warped fence gate, wooden door, lever Determines if a door, gate, or trapdoor is open
output_lit_bit Boolean True, False powered comparator, unpowered comparator Determines if a Comparator's output is lit
output_subtract_bit Boolean True, False powered comparator, unpowered comparator Determines if a Comparator is set to subtract output
persistent_bit Boolean True, False azalea leaves, azalea leaves flowered, leaves, mangrove leaves, new leaf, old leaf Determines if a leaf block is persistent
pillar_axis String x, y, z basalt, bone_block, chain, crimson stem, mangrove log, mangrove wood, muddy mangrove roots, stripped crimson hyphae, stripped crimson stem, stripped mangrove wood, stripped warped hyphae, stripped warped stem, polished basalt, warped hyphae, warped stem Determines orientation of blocks with pillar characteristics
portal_axis String unknown, x, z portal Determines the orientation of portal blocks
powered_bit Boolean True, False lectern, observer, sculk sensor, trip wire block, trip wire hook Shows when an observer or tripwire sends a redstone signal
prismarine_block_type String default, dark ,bricks prismarine Determines whether placed prismarine blocks are default, dark, or bricks
rail_data_bit Boolean True, False activator rail, detector rail block, powered rail block Shows if a rail has a redstone signal
rail_direction Integer 0 - 8 activator rail, detector rail block, powered rail block, rail Determines the orientation of a placed rail block
redstone_signal Integer 0 - 15 crimson pressure plate, daylight detector, daylight detector inverted, heavy weighted pressure plate, light weighted pressure plate, mangrove pressure plate, polished blackstone pressure plate, pressure plate acacia, pressure plate birch, pressure plate dark oak, pressure plate jungle, pressure plate spruce, redstone dust, stone pressure plate, warped pressure plate, wood pressure plate Determines the signal strength of a redstone signal
repeater_delay Integer 0 - 3 powered repeater, unpowered repeater Determines the amount of delay of a repeater
respawn_anchor_charge Integer 0 - 4 respawn anchor Determines level of charge (number of respawns remaining) for a respawn anchor
rotation Integer 0 - 15 jigsaw Sets rotation for jigsaw block
sandstone_type String default, hieroglyphs, cut, smooth sandstone, red sandstone DEPRECATED - Determines the pattern of a sandstone block
sand_type String normal, red sand DEPRECATED - Determines the sand type of a block
sapling_type String evergreen, birch, jungle, acacia, roofed_oak bamboo sapling, sapling Determines the type of the sapling block
sculk_sensor_phase String inactive, active, cooldown TBD Determines the current phase of a sculk sensor block.
sea_grass_type String default, double_top, double_bot sea grass Determines the type of a seagrass block
sponge_type String dry, wet sponge Determines the type of a sponge block
stability Integer 0 - 7 scaffolding Determines the stability of a scaffolding block
stability_check Boolean True, False scaffolding Describes if a scaffolding block has been checked for stability
stone_brick_type String default, mossy, cracked, chiseled, smooth stone brick DEPRECATED - Determines the type of a stone brick block
stone_slab_type String smooth_stone, sandstone, wood, cobblestone, brick, stone_brick, quartz, nether_brick double stone slab, stone slab Determines the type of some stone slab blocks
stone_slab_type_2 String red_sandstone, purpur, prismarine_rough, prismarine_dark, prismarine_brick, mossy_cobblestone, smooth_sandstone, red_nether_brick double stone slab 2, stone slab 2 Determines the type of some stone slab blocks
stone_slab_type_3 String end_stone_brick, smooth_red_sandstone, polished_andesite, andesite, diorite, polished_diorite, granite, polished_granite double stone slab 3, stone slab 3 Determines the type of some stone slab blocks
stone_slab_type_4 String mossy_stone_brick, smooth_quartz, stone, cut_sandstone, cut_red_sandstone double stone slab 4, stone slab 4 Determines the type of some stone slab blocks
stone_type String stone, granite, granite_smooth, diorite, diorite_smooth, andesite, andesite_smooth stone, granite, smooth granite, diorite, smooth diorite, andesite, smooth andesite DEPRECATED - Determines the stone type of a block
stripped_bit Boolean True, False mangrove wood, wood Describes if a wood log has been stripped of bark
structure_block_type String data, save, load, corner, invalid, export structure block Determines the state of a structure block
structure_void_type String void, air structure void Determines which void mode to draw for structure blocks
suspended_bit Boolean True, False trip wire block Indicates if a tripwire block is suspended
tall_grass_type String default, tall, fern, snow tall grass Determines the type of a tall grass block
toggle_bit Boolean True, False bell, hopper Determines if a hopper or bell block is active or not
top_slot_bit Boolean True, False blackstone double slab, blackstone slab, cobbled deepslate double slab, cobbled deepslate slab, crimson double slab, crimson slab, cut copper slab, deepslate brick double slab, deepslate brick slab, deepslate tile double slab, deepslate tile slab, double cut copper slab, double stone slab, double stone slab 2, double stone slab 3, double stone slab 4, double wooden slab, exposed cut copper slab, exposed double cut copper slab, mangrove double slab, mangrove slab, mud brick double slab, mud brick slab, oxidized cut copper slab, oxidized double cut copper slab, polished blackstone brick double slab, polished blackstone brick slab, polished blackstone double slab, polished blackstone slab, polished deepslate double slab, polished deepslate slab, stone slab, stone slab 2, stone slab 3, stone slab 4, warped double slab, warped slab, waxed cut copper slab, waxed double cut copper slab, waxed exposed cut copper slab, waxed exposed double cut copper slab, waxed oxidized cut copper slab, waxed oxidized double cut copper slab, waxed weathered cut copper slab, waxed weathered double cut copper slab, weathered cut copper slab, weathered double cut copper slab, wooden slab Shows if a slab is the top half of the block or not
torch_facing_direction String unknown, west, east, north, south, top red colored torch, redstone torch, soul torch, torch, underwater torch, unlit redstone torch Determines the block that a torch is attached to in relation to its position
triggered_bit Boolean True, False dispenser, dropper Determines if a dispenser is triggered
turtle_egg_count String one_egg, two_egg, three_egg, four_egg turtle egg Determines the amount of turtle eggs in an egg block
twisting_vines_age Integer 0 - 25 twisting vines Determines the age of twisting vines
update_bit Boolean True, False azalea leaves, azalea leaves flowered, leaves, mangrove leaves, flower pot, new leaf, old leaf Determines if a leaf block or flower block should be updated
upper_block_bit Boolean True, False acacia door, birch door, crimson door, double plant, dark oak door, iron door, jungle door, mangrove door, small dripleaf, spruce door, warped door, wooden door Determines if a block is the upper half of an object like a door or a tall plant
upside_down_bit Boolean True, False acacia stairs, acacia trapdoor, andesite stairs, blackstone stairs, birch stairs, birch trapdoor, brick stairs, cobbled deepslate stairs, cobblestone stairs, crimson stairs, crimson trapdoor, cut copper stairs, dark oak stairs, dark oak trapdoor, dark prismarine stairs, deepslate brick stairs, deepslate tile stairs, diorite stairs, end brick stairs, exposed cut copper stairs, granite stairs, iron trapdoor, jungle stairs, jungle trapdoor, mangrove stairs, mangrove trapdoor, mossy cobblestone stairs, mossy stone brick stairs, mud brick stairs, nether brick stairs, normal stone stairs, oak stairs, oxidized cut copper stairs, polished andesite stairs, polished blackstone brick stairs, polished blackstone stairs, polished deepslate stairs, polished diorite stairs, polished granite stairs, prismarine bricks stairs, prismarine stairs, purpur stairs, quartz stairs, red sandstone stairs, sandstone stairs, smooth quartz stairs, smooth red sandstone stairs, smooth sandstone stairs, spruce stairs, spruce trapdoor, stone brick stairs, trapdoor, warped stairs, warped trapdoor, waxed cut copper stairs, waxed exposed cut copper stairs, waxed oxidized cut copper stairs, waxed weathered cut copper stairs, weathered cut copper stairs Determines if a stair block or trapdoor block is upside down
vertical_half String bottom, top TBD Which vertical half of the space the block is placed in.
vine_direction_bits Integer 0 - 15 vine Determines the facing direction for vines, works like the facing_direction blockstate
wall_block_type String cobblestone, mossy_cobblestone, granite, diorite, andesite, sandstone, brick, stone_brick, mossy_stone_brick, nether_brick, end_brick, prismarine, red_sandstone, red_nether_brick cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, granite, diorite, andesite, sandstone, brick, stone brick, mossy stone brick, nether brick, end brick, prismarine, red sandstone, red nether brick Determines the type of a stone used in a wall block
wall_connection_type_east String none, short, tall blackstone wall, border, cobbled deepslate wall, cobblestone wall, deepslate brick wall, deepslate tile wall, mud brick wall, polished blackstone brick wall, polished blackstone wall, polished deepslate wall Determines what kind of connection a wall has to the east
wall_connection_type_north String none, short, tall blackstone wall, border, cobbled deepslate wall, cobblestone wall, deepslate brick wall, deepslate tile wall, mud brick wall, polished blackstone brick wall, polished blackstone wall, polished deepslate wall Determines what kind of connection a wall has to the north
wall_connection_type_south String none, short, tall blackstone wall, border, cobbled deepslate wall, cobblestone wall, deepslate brick wall, deepslate tile wall, mud brick wall, polished blackstone brick wall, polished blackstone wall, polished deepslate wall Determines what kind of connection a wall has to the south
wall_connection_type_west String none, short, tall blackstone wall, border, cobbled deepslate wall, cobblestone wall, deepslate brick wall, deepslate tile wall, mud brick wall, polished blackstone brick wall, polished blackstone wall, polished deepslate wall Determines what kind of connection a wall has to the west
wall_post_bit Boolean True, False blackstone wall, border, cobbled deepslate wall, cobblestone wall, deepslate brick wall, deepslate tile wall, mud brick wall, polished blackstone brick wall, polished blackstone wall, polished deepslate wall Determines if a wall should contain a post
weeping_vines_age Integer 0 - 15 weeping vines Determines the age of weeping vines
weirdo_direction Integer 0 - 3 acacia stairs, acacia trapdoor, andesite stairs, blackstone stairs, birch stairs, birch trapdoor, brick stairs, cobbled deepslate stairs, cobblestone stairs, crimson stairs, crimson trapdoor, cut copper stairs, dark oak stairs, dark oak trapdoor, dark prismarine stairs, deepslate brick stairs, deepslate tile stairs, diorite stairs, end brick stairs, exposed cut copper stairs, granite stairs, iron trapdoor, jungle stairs, jungle trapdoor, mangrove stairs, mangrove trapdoor, mossy cobblestone stairs, mossy stone brick stairs, mud brick stairs, nether brick stairs, normal stone stairs, oak stairs, oxidized cut copper stairs, polished andesite stairs, polished blackstone brick stairs, polished blackstone stairs, polished deepslate stairs, polished diorite stairs, polished granite stairs, prismarine bricks stairs, prismarine stairs, purpur stairs, quartz stairs, red sandstone stairs, sandstone stairs, smooth quartz stairs, smooth red sandstone stairs, smooth sandstone stairs, spruce stairs, spruce trapdoor, stone brick stairs, trapdoor, warped stairs, warped trapdoor, waxed cut copper stairs, waxed exposed cut copper stairs, waxed oxidized cut copper stairs, waxed weathered cut copper stairs, weathered cut copper stairs Describes the rotation of stairs
wood_type String oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark_oak fence, double wooden slab, planks, wood, wooden slab DEPRECATED - Determines the wood type of a block